
A significant difference between Byron Bay Fine Food & Beverage Festival and Sample Food Festival is the focus on beverages. It’s not to say that brewers, wineries and cider have not been part of Sample, however at #ByronFoodFest, food and beverage will have equal footing.

Aware that it feels far more appropriate to drink fine wine from a glass, rather than an “oh so sensible” plastic cup. We are rapturious to announce Melbourne based glassware aficionados, Plumm as sponsors of#ByronFoodFest.

Using the right wine glass can mean the difference between a good glass of wine and a great one.” Plumm website

Each #ByronFoodFest ticket entitles the holder to a tote bag for your goodies. But handle with care, as inside you will find a complimentary Plumm glass for your tasting and drinking requirements.

There will be twelve wineries, two distillers and two brewers at the festival and complimentary Beverage Masterclasses running throughout the day. So there will be able opportunity to use your complimentary glass.

Naturally Sample Food Events, Plumm and all the beverage providers support the responsible service and enjoyment of alcohol.


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